2024年04月29日08时52分    阅读:7524
供稿单位 / 科技产业处

团队简介:主要从事智能控制算法、优化理论、导航技术及其在机器人、通讯网络、目标识别与跟踪等领域的应用研究。承担中国博士后科学基金、江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目等各类基础研究项目5项,承担企业委托攻关项目12项,到账经费近450万元,在IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement、Information Fusion、Measurement等期刊上发表高水平学术论文40余篇,授权发明专利15项。























1.Zhang Lingzhong, Lu Jianquan, Liu Fengyi, Lou Jungang, Synchronization of time-delaycoupled neural networks with stabilizing delayed impulsive control, IEEE Transactions onNeural Networks and Learning Systems(2023) DOI:10.1109/TNNLS.2023.3320651.

2.Zhang Lingzhong, Lu Jianquan, Liu Fengyi, Lou Jungang, Fixed-time synchronization ofdelayed dynamic networks: Average aperiodic intermittent control interval approach,Information Fusion100(2023)101897.

3.Zhang Lingzhong, Li Yuanyuan, Lu Jianquan, Bipartite event-triggered impulsive output consensus for switching multi-agent systems with dynamic leader, Information Sciences612(2022) 414-426.

4.Zhang Lingzhong, Shi Kaibo, Lu Jianquan, Bipartite synchronization of antagonistic coupledneural networks: average-delay pinning impulsive control, IEEE Transactions on Circuits andSystems II69 (9) (2022) 3814-3818.

5.Zhang Lingzhong, Li Yuanyuan, Lou Jungang, Lu Jianquan, Bipartite asynchronous impulsivetracking consensus for multi-agent systems, Frontiers of Information Technology & ElectronicEngineering 23 (10) (2022) 1522-1532.

6.Wang Qing; Yan Chao; Tan Rongxuan; Feng Youyang; Sun Yang; Liu Yu; 3D-CALI: Automaticcalibration for camera and LiDAR using 3D checkerboard, Measurement, 2022, 203

7.Yan Chao; Wang Qing; Zhang Yong; Ke Fuyang; Gao Wang; Yang Yuan; Analysis of GNSS clockprediction performance with different interrupt intervals and application to real-time kinematicprecise point positioning, Advances in Space Research, 2020, 65: 978-996

8.Shen Fei; Wang Xinjun; Yin Xinghui; Adaptive neural output-feedback tracking control fora class of stochastic nonlinear systems with output constraint and unknown control coefficients,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, 32(3): 1862-1878

9.Shen Fei; Wang Xinjun; Yin Xinghui; BLF-based adaptive DSC for a class of stochasticnonlinear systems of full state constraints with time delay and hysteresis input, Neurocomputing,2020, 386(4): 244-256

10.Wei Ding; Qing-Guo Wang; Yan-Fang Zhao; Intelligent detection method for tappingomitting of internal thread based on computer vision, International Journal of Modelling,Identification and Control, 2019, 32(3/4): 238-243

11.Shi Yu; Wang Yirong; Meng Fanzhen; Zhou Jianwei; Wen Bo; Zhang Xuexue; Liu Yanyun;Li Lei; Li Juntao; Cao Xu; Kang Fei; Zhu Shouping; 3D directional gradient L0 norm minimizationguided limited-view reconstruction in a dual-panel positron emission mammography, Computers inBiology and Medicine, 2023, 161(2023): 107010

12.Shi Yu; Meng Fanzhen; Zhou Jianwei; Li Lei; Li Juntao; Zhu Shouping ; GPU-based real-timesoftware coincidence processing for digital PET system, IEEE Transactions on Radiation and PlasmaMedical Sciences, 2022, 6(6): 707-720

13.Ben Yueyang; Zang Xinle; Li Qian; Liu Xingyu; Chen Hainan ; System reset for underwaterstrapdown inertial navigation system, Ocean Engineering, 2019,182: 552-562

14.Ben Yueyang; Zang Xinle; Li Qian; Chang Dawei; INS/WT-DVL Integrated NavigationAlgorithm Based on Improved Expected-Mode Augmentation for Underwater Vehicles, IEEE Transactionson Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 72: 1-11

15.Ben Yueyang; Zang Xinle; Li Qian; He Junhao; A Dual-State Filter for a Relative VelocityAiding Strapdown Inertial Navigation System, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation andMeasurement, 2020, 70: 1-15

(张玲忠/供稿 洪学鹍/审核 知晓/编辑)